środa, 25 lipca 2012

Western Poland in old photographies


Polish Gazetteer

The Villages, Towns and Cities of Poland

See also Poland Poland pages about Poland's Largest Cities and explore Poland's history via our unique and extensive online archive of old pictures of Poland.
Here are links to information and photographs on some of the villages, towns, and cities in Poland featured on our site. They are listed in alphabetical order, and are located throughout Poland. This is only a small sample of the total records for locations in present day Poland we have on our site. To find and view pages for smaller villages and towns use the search facility below; or follow the related links at the bottom of each page. If you can't find the village or town you are interested in, please contact us. We'll visit it and photograph it the next time we are in that part of Poland.
Web poland poland com
More extensive list of former  German names for Polish towns and cities
A selection of the locations in Poland included in our site together with the original German name.
Information and Contemporary Photographs of the following locations and many more villages, towns and cities throughout Poland.

Babimost - Bomst
Banie - Bahn
Barlinek - Berlinchen
Biecz - Beitson
Bledzew - Blesen
Bobowicko - Bobelwitz
Bogatynia - Reichenau
Bogdaniec - Düringsdorf
Boryszyn - Burschen
Brody - Pieskerdof 
Brody - Pforten
Brzozowiec - Berkenwerder
Bytom Odrzanski - Beuthen an der Oder
Cedynia - Zehden an der Oder
Chojna - Königsberg Neumark
Choszczno - Arnswalde
Chwalowice - Landsberger Holländer
Cigacice - Tschicherzig
Czarnkow - Czarnikau
Czechow - Zechow
Czlopa - Schloppe
Dabroszyn - Tamsel
Debno - Neudamm
Deszczno - Dechsel
Dobiegniew - Woldenburg
Dobrojewo - Johanneswunsch
Dolice - Dölitz / Doelitz
Drawno - Neuwedell
Drawsko - Dramburg
Drezdenko - Driesen
Dlugoszyn - Langenfeld
Gdansk - Danzig
Glezno - Hohenwalde
Glisno - Gleissen
Glogow - Glogau
Gorunsko - Grunzig
Gorzow Wlkp - Landsberg Warthe
Gniezno - Gnesen
Gralewo - Gralew
Gubin - Guben
Gryfino - Greifenhagen
Janczewo - Jahnsfelde
Jarnatow - Arensdorf
Jasien - Gassen
Kalawa - Calava, Kalow, Kalou
Kalsk - Guhren
Kalsko - Kaltzig
Kawczyn - Neu Erbach
Kargowa - Karge
Keszyca - Gantzitz, Kainscht
Keszyca Lesna - Kainscht
Kepsko - Schonburn
Kije - Kay
Klepsk - Klemzig
Klodawa - Kladow
Kolczyn - Költschen / Königshütte
Konradowo - Kursdorf
Kostrzyn - Küstrin
Krasowiec - Schoenewald
Krobielewko - Klein Krebbel
Krosno Odrzanskie - Crossen Oder
Krzeszyce - Kriescht
Krzyz Wlkp - Kreuz
Kunowice - Kunersdorf
Lagow - Lagow
Legowo - Langheimensdorf
Leszno - Lissa
Lgin - Ilgen
Lipiany - Lippehne
Lipki Wielkie - Lipke Neumark
Lowyn - Lowin
Lubniewice - Königswalde / Koenigswalde
Lubrza - Liebenau / Liebenberg
Lubsko - Sommerfeld
Lubuskie - Lubusz - Lebus
Lugow - Lugau
Marcinkowice - Marzdorf
Maszków - Neudorf
Miechów - Meekow
Miedzychod - Birnbaum
Miedzyrzecz - Meseritz
Miroslawiec - Markisch Friedland
Mierzyn - Alt-Marrin
Mieszkowice - Barwalde
Murzynowo - Morrn
Mysliborz - Soldin
Niekarzyn - Nickern
Nietkowice - Netkew / Nettkew
Nietoperek - Nipter
Nowa Sol - Neusalz
Nowa Wies - Neugut / Neudorf
Nowiny Wielkie - Döllensradung
Nowogrod Bobrzanski - Naumburg am Bober
Nowy Dwor / Nowydom - Neuhaus
Okunin - Langmeil
Osno Lubuskie - Drossen
Palck - Palzig
Paradyz - Paradies
Pelczyce - Bernstein
Pila - Schneidemuhl
Pniewy - Pinne
Pomorsko - Pommerzig
Popowo - Poppe
Poznan - Posen
Przytoczna - Prittisch
Pszczew - Betsche
Pyrzyce - Pyritz
Rakow - Rackau
Rawicz - Rawitsch
Recz - Reetz
Rogi - Rogau
Rokitno - Rokitten
Rudnica - Raudnitz
Rzepin - Reppin
Santocko - Zanzin
Santok - Zantoch
Sciechow - Fahlenwerder
Sierakow - Zierke
Skape - Skampe
Skwierzyna - Schwerin an der Warthe
Slonsk - Sonnenberg
Sokola Dabrowa - Falkenwalde
Stare Kurowo - Altkarbe
Stare Polichno - Pollychen
Stargard Szczecinski - Stargard
Stary Dworek - Althofchen
Suchan - Zachan
Sulechow - Zullichau
Sulecin - Zielenzig
Swidnica - Schweidnitz
Swiebodzin - Schwiebus
Swidwin - Schivelbein
Swiniary - Schweinert
Szamotuly - Samter
Szczecin - Stettin
Szczecinek - Neustettin
Torzym - Sternberg
Trzciel - Tirschtiegel
Trzcinsko Zdroj - Bad Schonfliess
Trzebiszewo - Trebisch
Tuczno - Tütz / Tuetz
Ulim - Eulam
Walcz - Deutsch-Krone
Wedrzyn - Wandern
Wiejce - Waitze
Wielen - Filehne
Wielkopolskie - Posen province - Greater Poland
Witnica - Vietz
Wojciechowo - Georgsdorf
Wolsztyn - Wollstein
Wroclaw - Breslau
Wronki - Wronke
Wschowa - Fraustadt
Wysoka - Hochwalde
Zachodniopomorskie - Pommern - Pomerania
Zagan - Sagan
Zary - Sorau
Zbaszyn - Bentschen
Zemsko - Semmritz
Zielona Gora - Grünberg
Zwierzyn - Schwerinsfeld
Zgorzelec - Gorlitz

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